Kaltura API

Adds new media entry by importing an HTTP or FTP URL. The entry will be queued for import and then for conversion. This action should be exposed only to the batches
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
mediaEntry KalturaMediaEntry Media entry metadata V
url string An HTTP or FTP URL V
bulkUploadId int The id of the bulk upload job V
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ mediaEntry: { objectType: "KalturaMediaEntry", msDuration: value, mediaType: value, conversionQuality: "value", sourceType: "value", searchProviderType: value, searchProviderId: "value", creditUserName: "value", creditUrl: "value", streams: [{ objectType: "KalturaStreamContainer", type: "value", trackIndex: value, language: "value", channelIndex: value, label: "value", channelLayout: "value" }] }, url: "value", bulkUploadId: value }