Kaltura API

Upload a file using the upload token id, returns an error on failure (an exception will be thrown when using one of the Kaltura clients) Chunks can be uploaded in parallel and they will be appended according to their resumeAt position. A parallel upload session should have three stages: 1. A single upload with resume=false and finalChunk=false 2. Parallel upload requests each with resume=true,finalChunk=false and the expected resumetAt position. If a chunk fails to upload it can be re-uploaded. 3. After all of the chunks have been uploaded a final chunk (can be of zero size) should be uploaded with resume=true, finalChunk=true and the expected resumeAt position. In case an UPLOAD_TOKEN_CANNOT_MATCH_EXPECTED_SIZE exception has been returned (indicating not all of the chunks were appended yet) the final request can be retried.
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
uploadTokenId string V
fileData file V
resume bool 1
finalChunk bool 1
resumeAt float 1
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ uploadTokenId: "value", fileData: "value", resume: value, finalChunk: value, resumeAt: value }