Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id string The id of the application token
token string The application token
partnerId int
createdAt int Creation time as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
updatedAt int Update time as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
status KalturaAppTokenStatus Application token status
expiry int V Expiry time of current token (unix timestamp in seconds)
sessionType KalturaSessionType V Type of KS (Kaltura Session) that created using the current token
sessionUserId string V User id of KS (Kaltura Session) that created using the current token
sessionDuration int V Expiry duration of KS (Kaltura Session) that created using the current token (in seconds)
sessionPrivileges string V Comma separated privileges to be applied on KS (Kaltura Session) that created using the current token
hashType KalturaAppTokenHashType V